Thursday, December 3, 2009

Poetry Out Loud

Amanda Fernandez does a great job reciting the poem, "Unknown Girl in the Maternity World" by Anne Sexton. Her articulation was amazingly clear and crisp. And her understanding of the poem was almost to the point where she would relate. She accomplished the challenge of shifting moods through out the poem well, also enhanced by a strong, confident stage presence. Amanda also chose lengthy poem and glided through it without any stumbles or mistakes. I was very impressed.

She really conveyed the meaning of the poem well to the audience. A story about a single mom who considered abandoning her baby. The way she got angry when the poem talked about how annoying the doctors were, asking questions and such, the dramatization was perfect. At the moment when he almost cried show how she loved the baby, and how it would be difficult for her to leave it, when all she could do was call it her sin. Her voice changing tones made the mood clear to the audience, and switching mood to mood isn't easy. Overall i give Amanda F. an overall score of 11.5:)